1. Leslie Ramirez
Bushy Dell Creek Soundwalk

We begin in the quiet suburbs of Piedmont, Bushy Dell Creek. An empty soundscape filled with the distant hum of mowing, tennis, and conversation. As you travel down, you’re welcomed to the busy streets of Grand Lake. Through the overpass. You enter the residency of Grand Lakes public ghost.
Pinole Soundwalk

The hum of the car traffic was prevalent in a majority of the recordings. As we walked along the creek, the sound of cars and passing traffic contributed to the natural soundscape. The volume of the cars would overpower the sound of running water that live in these environments.
Los Lobos Soundwalk

The pathway along Los Lobos Creek is found in a reserved natural environment. There were limited homes overlooking the creek basin, with very little sound pollution coming from the residential area. With Baker Beach at proximity, we hear crashing waves and conversation between visitors. The road dividing the creek from the beach was the main source of car traffic throughout the soundwalk.
Clement St. Soundwalk

Throughout the soundwalk down clement street there was a number of local restaurants and markets. The residents’ chatter, shopping, and register rings filled the air as we walked down the block. Businesses along Clement street each offered a unique sound print localizing the neighborhood with the characteristic of their menus, gift shops, and register systems. Employers and customers can be heard in the movement and conversation.
San Lorenzo Creek Soundwalk